Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Exercise Science
- Sustainable food systems
- Food security and health equity,
- Scholarship of teaching and learning
Administrative Associate, Office of the Dean
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
- Use of mental skills in strength and conditioning
- Coaching efficacy and education
- Youth physical and mental performance
Assistant Professor of Strength and Conditioning, Graduate Program Director for Strength and Conditioning
- Strength and Conditioning Internship Education
- Effective Coaching Behaviors
- Load Management
Dean, School of Physical Education, Performance and Sport Leadership, Professor of Athletic Training
Professor of Exercise Science, Program Director of Exercise Physiology
- Lifestyle interventions
- Chronic kidney disease and hypertension
- Decreasing sedentary behavior
Professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies, Graduate program DIRECTOR FOR SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY
- Effects of music in sport and exercise
- Psychophysiology of exercise
- Attentional focus during sport and exercise
- Exercise behavior
Visiting Assistant Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Mental Health Service Use for College Athletes
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
- Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Physical Activity
- Youth Sport
- Athlete Burnout
- Female Athletes
- Peer/Coach Relationships in Sport
Associate Professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies, Chair of the Department of Exercise Science
- Gender and sexuality in sport and physical activity
Professor of Exercise Science
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Fieldwork Coordinator
- Cardiovascular Physiology
- Medical Physiology
- Reproductive Health
- Resistance Training
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Human Performance Lab Coordinator
- Neuromuscular physiology
- Biomechanics
- Reproductive endocrinology
- Resistance training
- Sarcopenia
Professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies, Graduate Program Director of Sports Performance